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  • Writer's pictureJanice Gill

Ultimate Blog Challenge - Day 1 (July 1st 2023)

Bumblebee getting nectar from a raspberry flower, macro.
Bumblebee on Raspberry canes in my garden. Growing fruit is a great past-time . Photo by Janice Gill

First of all, I'd like to say hello to my current readers, I hope you're enjoying reading the blog so far.

Secondly, I'd like to say hello to my fellow bloggers on this Ultimate Blog Challenge. Good luck to you all!

For those of you who don't know, this is a challenge to post on your blog every day for the whole month, starting today, July 1st and finishing on July 31st.

I've been somewhat remiss in getting started with my blogging here, and I hope that letting everyone know I've accepted this challenge will keep me accountable for the whole month.

If I miss a day, feel free to give me kick and get me back on track!

Looking Out over Snowdonia, Photo by Dave Gill. Walking in nature is a great way to keep healthy.

So, a little bit about me.

I'm a Grandmother to six wonderful children, three girls and three boys. That count goes up to eight in November, as two of my daughters are pregnant. I spend as much time with them as I can, but not nearly enough.

I'm 'Mumsie' to four grown-up children, who make me proud. They have all spent much of their working lives caring for others.

Until the pandemic hit, I was working with Adults with Autism and other learning difficulties and, before that, with children who had behavioural difficulties (probably the most demanding job I've ever had). Now at almost 61, I'm finding myself unable to secure work, so I'm putting a whole new set of skills to use.

White butterfly on Chive flower with a background of further chive flowers. A bumblebee has also joined the party.
Butterfly on Chives flowers, Photo by Janice Gill. Chives support a large number of pollinating insects, are super-easy to grow, and are delicious to eat.

This blog is about the things I love - Nature, Photography, Crafting, Gardening and Health. I don't intend to write about things I hate - there's probably enough written in that vein. Never say never though, I may just lose my cool sometime.

I hope you'll join me for the next 31 days and join in the conversation.

All the best,


17 views4 comments


Jeanine Byers
Jeanine Byers
Jul 01, 2023

I think writing about things you love is a great idea. I used to have a lifestyle blog where i wrote about family get-togethers and adventures in homeschooling. Looking forward to more of your posts.


Tamara Gerber
Tamara Gerber
Jul 01, 2023

Hi Janice, I am sorry to read that someone with such important skills is having a hard time to find a job! Well, more time for your grandbabies, and how exciting that there will be new additions to your family!


Paul Taubman
Paul Taubman
Jul 01, 2023

Hello Janice, I am excited to join you for this Ultimate Blog Challenge and it is great that you have accepted this challenge. I think it is amazing that you are a Grandmother to six wonderful children and your grown-up children spend their lives caring for others. Your blog looks very interesting and inspiring; I cannot wait to read more about Nature, Photography, Crafting, Gardening and Health. I am sure it will provide us with lots of knowledge and entertainment. Wishing you all the best for this challenge! Good luck to you!


Dominique Brooks
Dominique Brooks
Jul 01, 2023

Hello! These are lovely photos! I look forward to seeing your work during this month and beyond!

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